“SOS – Stories of Ordinary Sustainability,” the column curated by Etichub, continues in Beauty Horizons 2/2023.
Upcycling is the key theme of this article, which explores the new frontier of waste-free beauty: transforming waste and by-products from other industries into new cosmetic ingredients.
Agro-industrial by-products, for example, are an interesting natural bio-resource due to their rich and diverse chemical properties, and they hold great potential in cosmetics as raw materials. Re-evaluating waste products appears to be the path forward for enhancing environmental credentials and has emerged as a new practice to make the cosmetics industry more sustainable.
Today, upcycling represents a remarkable opportunity, with numerous initiatives shaping the future of waste.
Through this column, Etichub aims to convey the importance of responsible resource transformation and its commitment to sustainability research projects to give new life to discarded materials!
Here’s a small preview of the contribution.
Happy reading!