
Etichub Wins the Seventh Edition of Univenture 2021!

Univenture is a competition in Pavia that rewards innovators, organized by the Third Mission of the University of Pavia and MIBE, the Master’s Degree Program in International Business and Entrepreneurship, with financial support from the Municipality of Pavia. The official award ceremony took place on April 6 in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Pavia, attended by all relevant institutions.

The Project

Etichub presented its project Dermalsync® at the “Fiera delle Idee,” the initial event of the contest. Dermalsync® is an advanced cosmetic treatment that synchronizes the skin with physiological changes related to the female cycle. It is a skincare line designed for facial care that understands how skin naturally changes throughout the month and provides what it needs when it needs it.

This project is based on scientific research conducted in the laboratories by the team’s researchers, including a clinical study that followed numerous women of childbearing age for two months. From this study, a calendar of cosmetic needs was developed, leading to the creation of a skincare kit with highly selected ingredients.

The project aims to reshape the relationship between cosmetics and women of childbearing age by understanding hormonal changes and their biological influence on the female body, with emotional and physical implications. The conversation surrounding this topic is currently very active due to the personal and social impact these changes can have, aligning with themes of inclusivity and acceptance of one’s appearance.

Thanks to this strongly innovative and contemporary entrepreneurial idea and its subsequent development—facilitated by the collaboration of diverse and complementary skills, including those of MIBE students at the University of Pavia—an operational plan was formulated for the product launch.

Winning Univenture 2021, beyond its value, highlights the importance of scientific research and innovation, which are essential and intrinsic elements for a university spin-off like Etichub.
