This November marks the launch of the “SOS – Stories of Ordinary Sustainability” column, a bimonthly feature in Beauty Horizon Italia curated by Etichub’s Scientific Director, Prof. Paola Perugini, and Dr. Camilla Grignani, Marketing Specialist at Etichub.
The column will explore the evolution of new sustainability metrics, offering constructive insights that will address all phases of cosmetic product development. The project begins with an examination of the meaning of sustainability and sustainable communication, and will continue by addressing all key steps in the production chain.
This initiative reflects Etichub’s ongoing commitment to designing and developing more sustainable cosmetic products, implementing a wide range of activities that span from studying upcycled ingredients to assessing the effectiveness of new ingredients and their subsequent valorization, as well as new sustainability approaches in packaging.
To read more and discover further details, visit:
SOS – Storie di ordinaria sostenibilità
Happy reading!